Laptops overheating and malfunctioning isn't a problem that is going to
go away anytime soon.
As batteries become ever more powerful, the amount of energy stored in smaller
and smaller spaces keeps increasing. So does their ability to liberate all that
energy in short order.
A typical laptop pack can hold around 60Wh, which doesn't sound very much.
Deliver that power in 30 seconds, though, and you're looking at 7kW.
When a lithium ion battery goes off, it can do so with a vengeance. A short
circuit within a cell can see the temperature soar to 600°C in seconds, with hot,
caustic material pouring from the end like a Roman candle.
Battery cells are designed with multiple safety features, none can withstand such high
temperatures, so if one cell goes, the rest in the pack follow in a chain reaction.
A laptop pack can have six or even nine cells, which can make for quite a firework display.
Figures from the US mobile phone industry alone suggest around one catastrophic battery
failure per year for every quarter of a million users. These can be due to power-supply
malfunction, counterfeit battery modules, physical damage to the battery pack or plain old
component failure — all of which are less likely in higher-quality, better-controlled
laptop designs.
Why did you just take pictures of it burning when you could have put it out?
Not mine for sure....someone took the pictures....think they are in panic mode....not so panic after all...still got time to take those pics...
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