Thursday, March 27, 2008


Extra energy will push you further....

" Clever is enough; Don't Act Clever"

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Biblically Correctness??

Same old question on " Creation Or Evolution?"

Corrections ?:

Jesus is NOT our Creator!

Earth is NOT 6000 Year old!

Clue : The earth is not created in "7 Days" ( That's 7 earth days )

More accurate answers are written.......

These comments comes with the video:

"If it's in the Bible, it HAS TO BE 100% TRUE, right?
Who needs science, TRUTH, FACTS, reality, common sense or logic, when EVERYTHING you need to know for this life and the next, is in the Bible, right....NOT!!

Well, only the good stuff that is, as they conveniently ignore and won't ever discuss their
precious God's mass genocide campaigns and all of God's other atrocities in the Old Testament.

Never mind that most of the Bible was written by anonymous writers and we don't even know
when most of books were written, including the 4 gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
which weren't even written until around 70-150+ years after Jesus reportedly died(and not
published for a long time after that) and they weren't even written by Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John...yeah...VERY CREDIBLE!!
This video is some seriously crazy shit and the epitome of a "Christian CULT" and
brainwashing 101, which I fight against daily!!
Notice they really had no answers at all to any of the basic questions they were asked and
what an embarrassment they are to humanity.
They do over 100 tours a year and get paid how much?
They might not even believe what they teach the kids and make them keep repeating, as they
just might be in it for the money.
Then again, the stupid, fanatical, brainwashed Evangelicals are everywhere and do actually
believe exactly what these two clowns are purporting to be fact(with NO PROOF AT ALL) and so they probably do actually believe it, very sadly I might add.

What's really sad though, is that they are brainwashing these poor kids minds, whose idiotic
parents are also stupid asses and brainwashed to believe such utter bullshit!!
Like the museum guy said, some of these kids will be able to think for themselves one
day...but I doubt that many of them will, after being brainwashed by mommy, daddy and these 2 tour guides for Jesus.

Anyone that really believes the earth is 6,000 years old and that the dinosaurs lived with
humans, died in the flood and that there was a flood and 800+ year old people walking around;
needs some serious help, as they have their heads planted up their asses...WAKE UP!!
Just for the record, this video has EVERYTHING to do with MORmONISM, as they too, like the
nutty Evangelicals/Christians; believe the world is only 6,000 years old(I still have my
seminary card in my scriptures proving it) and that there was an Adam and Eve, a global
flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, that Abraham really was commanded by God to murder his son Issac in cold blood, that there was an exodus, etc, etc.

Of course there is NO PROOF whatsoever that any of this is for real, that the people existed,
that the events took place(including the life, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ),
but don't worry, they have FAITH, that it all happened and don't need proof, because their
"burning bosom" says it's all true.
I believe that Peter Pan and all of his friends are true and that one day I'll live in
Neverneverland with them, because I have FAITH...LOL!!
It's truly sad to see so many stupid, brainwashed people, that not only don't need evidence,
but that REJECT evidence and don't even want to hear it or know about it.
People can believe whatever they want, but the problem is, most Christians and religious
whack-jobs, believe that if I and the world don't agree with what they believe, that I, my
family and friends will all burn in the literal flames of hell, gnashing our teeth with
Satan...FOREVER...and that's why I give a damn and get involved, for the dumb shits that
wonder and ask me every fucking day!! "

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Incredible Bowling : Spinning Ball Spare

Ridiculous shot.
Norm Duke purposely knocks down only 9 pins and gets a slow
moving spinning ball to hit the other. Amazing!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Religion Is Bullshit ?

George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.

Making fun on religion.
Listen to the volume of the laughter....

"For you know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers
with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires." -- 2Peter 3:3

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Protect The Truth & Pass The Ammunition

Is God on Your side?

When you "Take the Bible seriously"?
Does that mean applying it?

"Thou shalt not kill....."

Friday, March 7, 2008

Triumph Of The Will

A full length movie (01:44:27 ) with stirring marches
and songs; best propaganda film ever made)

The maker of this film ( 1934 ) was Leni Riefenstahl, a German. After the War she made documentaries on African blacks, among others. This documentary is a propaganda-film for Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda-minister of the t hen Third Reich.

The film begins with a prologue, the only commentary in the film. On a stone wall, the following text appears: On September 5, 1934, ... 20 years after the outbreak of the World War ... 16 years after the beginning of our suffering ... 19 months after the beginning of the German renaissance ... Adolf Hitler flew again to Nuremberg to review the columns of his faithful followers...

'Day 1': The film opens with shots of the clouds above the city, and then moves through the clouds to float above the assembling masses below, with the intention of portraying beauty and majesty of the scene. The shadow of Hitler's plane is visible as it passes over the tiny figures marching below[3], accompanied by music from Richard Wagner's Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, which slowly turns into the Horst-Wessel-Lied. Upon arriving at the Nuremberg airport, Hitler emerges from his plane to thunderous applause and a cheering crowd. He is then driven into Nuremberg, through equally enthusiastic people, to his hotel where a night rally is later held.

'Day 2': The second day begins with a montage of the attendees getting ready for the opening of the Reich Party Congress, and then footage of the top Nazi officials arriving at the Luitpold Arena. The film then cuts to the opening ceremony, where Rudolf Hess announces the start of the Congress. The camera then introduces much of the Nazi hierarchy and covers their opening speeches, including Joseph Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Fritz Todt, Robert Ley, and Julius Streicher. Then the film cuts to an outdoor rally for the Reichsarbeitsdienst (Labor Service), which is primarily a series of pseudo-military drills by men carrying shovels. This is also where Hitler gives his first speech on the merits of the Labor Service and praising them for their work in rebuilding Germany. The day then ends with a torchlight SA parade.

'Day 3': The third day starts with a Hitler Youth rally on the parade ground. Again the camera covers the Nazi dignitaries arriving and the introduction of Hitler by Baldur von Schirach. Hitler then addresses the Youth, describing in militaristic terms how they must harden themselves and prepare for sacrifice. Everyone present then assembles for a military pass and review, featuring Wehrmacht cavalry and various armored vehicles. That night Hitler delivers another speech to low-ranking party officials by torchlight, commemorating the first year since the Nazis took power and declaring that the party and state are one entity.

'Day 4': The fourth day is the climax of the film, where the most memorable of the imagery is presented. As the soundtrack plays themes from Wagner's Götterdämmerung, Hitler, flanked by Heinrich Himmler and Viktor Lutze, walks through a long wide expanse with over 150,000 SA and SS troops standing at attention, to lay a wreath at a World War I Memorial. Hitler then reviews the parading SA and SS men, following which Hitler and Lutze deliver a speech where they discuss the Night of the Long Knives purge of the SA several months prior. Lutze reaffirms the SA's loyalty to the regime, and Hitler absolves the SA of any crimes committed by Ernst Röhm. New party flags are consecrated by touching them to the "blood banner" (the same cloth flag said to have been carried by the fallen Nazis during the Beer Hall Putsch) and, following a final parade in front of the Nuremberg Frauenkirche, Hitler delivers his closing speech. In it he reaffirms the primacy of the Nazi Party in Germany, declaring, "All loyal Germans will become National Socialists. Only the best National Socialists are party comrades!" Hess then leads the assembled crowd in a final Sieg Heil salute for Hitler, marking the close of the party congress. The film fades to black as the entire crowd sings the "Horst-Wessel-Lied".

"The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."
- 1 John 5:19